I was a special gift to my owner, on Valentines Day 1996 from someone very special. We are embarking on a bit of travel, so you will be able to follow our adventures and tales, as I keep this sort of diary for my owner. You could say this is my version of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. Something to keep you amused while we are on our journey. Please add comments, we like to hear back from you.

21 October 2007

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Finally, my owner has finished putting together, the book of our tavel adventures. It got so extensive that he had to split it into two volumes, to make it easier to handle. There are a lot of other images that I would have liked to added to my blog, but i did have to limit myself. Next step is to get it into a form easy to be made available via the net. But for those of you that have been following my travels from the start, will only get to see a few new images that I didnt put on the blog while travelling.
As per usual, our morning started with breakfast in brunswick st, fitzroy @ the red tongue. followed by a trip up to Officeworks to get some new covers for the now 2 volume Goodmonk tales "Travels with My Owner".

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