I was a special gift to my owner, on Valentines Day 1996 from someone very special. We are embarking on a bit of travel, so you will be able to follow our adventures and tales, as I keep this sort of diary for my owner. You could say this is my version of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. Something to keep you amused while we are on our journey. Please add comments, we like to hear back from you.

16 July 2007

Back to work today.

Monday July 16, 2007. Melbourne 13C
Well our long holiday has come to an end, my owner will have to go back to work to pay for my trip and to start saving for the next one. Now that I have got a liking for this international travel, we will have to start planning the next 3 month break, Greece, Italy, Russia and some other places.
Todays picture is of me and Michelle, my owner has left me on her desk to keep and eye on her. As you can see, she must be a very busy person, as she has two computers on her desk to assist her.

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