Goodmonk Tales

I was a special gift to my owner, on Valentines Day 1996 from someone very special. We are embarking on a bit of travel, so you will be able to follow our adventures and tales, as I keep this sort of diary for my owner. You could say this is my version of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. Something to keep you amused while we are on our journey. Please add comments, we like to hear back from you.

14 February 2008


Its Happy Birthday to me... I am now a big boy of Twelve. Now to the celebrations, what has my owner arranged for me. Well so far we have been out for a coffee on our way to his work. I have re assumed my look out spot in his work back pack. My owner has suggested that we have some "fairy bread" but I think that I am a bit too old for that. Others have suggested that we do the McDonald's Birthday package, wonder if we will get strange looks from the people at McDonalds. Well strange looks will not worry us, as we had a few during our travels, and then most of the people ended up wanting to be photographed with me.

13 February 2008

Only 1 more sleep to go.

Yes Thursday, 14 th Febuary is my birthday. I hope my owner has remembered, as I think that I should get some fantastic presents for my 12th Birthday.

8 February 2008

6 more sleeps to go.

Yes it's a special day fast approaching, only 6 sleeps to go...

31 January 2008

6 January 2008

Cooler at last...

This past week we have seen most of the days being warm to hot.

30 December 2007

21st Birthday.

On boxing day my owner's nephew turned 21, and the big party was held on Friday nite. A time for all the family to get together and catch up, talk etc. while celebrating the nephew's birthday.

25 December 2007

Christmas Day

Merry Christmas Wishes to all my readers and friends.

17 December 2007

Monday, December 17, 2007

Well its Monday morning, and the start of the last week of work for my owner, this year. Yesterday was the traditional family get together for his father's birthday and christmas. Some of the family had not seen my book of our adventures and travels. My owner my book there for them to read and look at the photographs. Not to many read it but they looked at the photographs.

10 December 2007

Happy Birthday Knut..

Monday, December 10, 2007. It has been widely reported that my friend Knut, the young polar bear at the Berlin Zoo, turned 1 during the week. He has grown a lot since we made our visit during June of this year. My owner has gone thru his images and given me a few to post here. I hear that his keepers are no longer spending time with him playing as his size now puts them in danger. It was so good to catch up with the members of the 'bear' family while we were in Berlin.

1 December 2007

9 November 2007

Friday, November 9, 2007

Well the end of the week has arrived. What a week it has been.

21 October 2007

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Finally, my owner has finished putting together, the book of our tavel adventures. It got so extensive that he had to split it into two volumes, to make it easier to handle. There are a lot of other images that I would have liked to added to my blog, but i did have to limit myself. Next step is to get it into a form easy to be made available via the net. But for those of you that have been following my travels from the start, will only get to see a few new images that I didnt put on the blog while travelling.
As per usual, our morning started with breakfast in brunswick st, fitzroy @ the red tongue. followed by a trip up to Officeworks to get some new covers for the now 2 volume Goodmonk tales "Travels with My Owner".

18 October 2007

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Well its a special day for my owner. It's his birthday and he is 49 and some months old. At least thats the age his is telling, but I think he might be younger than that. I have included in todays post some of the birthday cards that my owner has received. It appears that I have had a major influence in his life over the past 12 months and people have noticed. As you can see by the choices of birthday cards that my owner has received.

I will have to start my own range of cards for all occasions, using some of the pictures from my international travels.

A special bear hug and kisses to Jan, for the birthday cake at morning tea today, I love giving bear hugs and kisses.

There is some arguement at the moment as to who will inherit me, when or if my owner should past on. Newphew Jackson has made a major claim, after he found out that I also inherit all the money and house. So will have to talk my owner into add some security for me in his will, I want to go to a nice person. "Blondie" the lady that works with my owner has also made claims on me, but she might be only in it for the money. I had been told that these type of people are usually called 'Anna Nicole Smith' or 'gold diggers'.

On behalf of my owner I thank all those who have given their "birthday wishes", and I give you all bear hug and kisses.