I was a special gift to my owner, on Valentines Day 1996 from someone very special. We are embarking on a bit of travel, so you will be able to follow our adventures and tales, as I keep this sort of diary for my owner. You could say this is my version of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. Something to keep you amused while we are on our journey. Please add comments, we like to hear back from you.

5 April 2007

Another Day Another Brekkie

As you can see by the pic, today my owner had brekkie with a friend that has a great smile. His nikname is 'Naked Smiles', and he lights up the place when he flashes them pearly whites. My owner has taken a few pics of Mr Smiles as he has a very fit and toned body. Hope he will add a link to some of the pics at some stage, so keep an eye out for that, as they are great shots. (Will add a link here shortly)
After brekkie we headed off to sort out some printing, and later in the afternoon, caught up with a nice guy that had offered his hairy chest for a photograph to be used in an art competition. I might try and get him to add a couple of the pics taken as I got to be in some of the pics, and as you can see, I do like to get my picture taken.
Last nite my owner, left me at home, while he went off to Life Drawing, he does that most wednesday nites, he hasnt taken me with him as yet, but one day I might get the chance to go and rub a bit of charcoal or pencil on paper.

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