I was a special gift to my owner, on Valentines Day 1996 from someone very special. We are embarking on a bit of travel, so you will be able to follow our adventures and tales, as I keep this sort of diary for my owner. You could say this is my version of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. Something to keep you amused while we are on our journey. Please add comments, we like to hear back from you.

28 April 2007

San Francisco, Day 4

Friday, April 27, 2007 Weather Clear, sunny, 70F. As I had made a little extra cash the other day, with my collection for Alcohol Research, we could afford to drive from San Fran to LA, so this morning we booked a car to take 3 days down the coast. We also spent a bit of time at the Internet cafe, booking the flight and accomodation in Las Vegas. On of the options with the flight was either the Wedding Package at $245 or the wedding package and Elvis for $355. I think my owner declined these offers. I think my owner is starting to look like a local as he has had several people approach him for directions, thank heavens he knew where they wanted to go. We started the day with a short cable car ride to our breakfast place, then back into the downtown area, to pick up a DVD with his pictures on it to send home. Then we headed out to the Castro area, were we had a bit of a walk around and he was going to buy me some clothing made of leather and metal, but I decided that my fur was enough to keep me warm. Even though it was a warm day there were a few men around the area, with big moustaches, leather pants, jackets and caps, but bare chested. I guessed they were going to a fancy dress party somewhere.

Headed back towards Union Square, were a lot of the art galleries and shops are around this area. There was and exhibition and sale of original art of Alberto Vargas. I am too young to remember Vargas, but my owner does remember is art work appeared in a Magazine called "Playboy" and he did the illustrations for Ziegfield Follies. The works were very interesting, lots of Ladies without fur. One Illustration of Brigit Bardot that was never published due to legal reasons, was only $68,000. it as also initialled by someone named Hugh Hefner. My owners credit card could not stretch to handle that purchase.

Tonight we are going to see a show, there was Menopause: the Musical , Shopping: the musical, or Jersey Boys. So we are going to see Jersey Boys, based on the story of Frankie Valli and the Four Season, It is a Tony Award winning production so it should be good.

1 comment:

charon said...

I am enjoying your San Fran visit as it brings back memories of 1999 - 10 days we spent there. I assume the homeless are still in force. it was a very sad scene as they seemed so gentle. We visited an artist settlement called Solsoledo (not sure of the spelling.) It was a ferry ride past Alcatraz to the first stop just under the far side of the Golden Gate. Very Mediterranean and quite worth a visit.