I was a special gift to my owner, on Valentines Day 1996 from someone very special. We are embarking on a bit of travel, so you will be able to follow our adventures and tales, as I keep this sort of diary for my owner. You could say this is my version of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. Something to keep you amused while we are on our journey. Please add comments, we like to hear back from you.
30 December 2007
21st Birthday.
25 December 2007
17 December 2007
Monday, December 17, 2007
10 December 2007
Happy Birthday Knut..
1 December 2007
9 November 2007
31 October 2007
21 October 2007
Sunday, October 21, 2007
As per usual, our morning started with breakfast in brunswick st, fitzroy @ the red tongue. followed by a trip up to Officeworks to get some new covers for the now 2 volume Goodmonk tales "Travels with My Owner".
18 October 2007
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Well its a special day for my owner. It's his birthday and he is 49 and some months old. At least thats the age his is telling, but I think he might be younger than that. I have included in todays post some of the birthday cards that my owner has received. It appears that I have had a major influence in his life over the past 12 months and people have noticed. As you can see by the choices of birthday cards that my owner has received.
I will have to start my own range of cards for all occasions, using some of the pictures from my international travels.
A special bear hug and kisses to Jan, for the birthday cake at morning tea today, I love giving bear hugs and kisses.
There is some arguement at the moment as to who will inherit me, when or if my owner should past on. Newphew Jackson has made a major claim, after he found out that I also inherit all the money and house. So will have to talk my owner into add some security for me in his will, I want to go to a nice person. "Blondie" the lady that works with my owner has also made claims on me, but she might be only in it for the money. I had been told that these type of people are usually called 'Anna Nicole Smith' or 'gold diggers'.
On behalf of my owner I thank all those who have given their "birthday wishes", and I give you all bear hug and kisses.
14 October 2007
Sunday, October 14, 2007
8 October 2007
30 September 2007
Sunday, September 30, 2007
17 September 2007
Monday, September 17, 2007
This weekend my owner has finally made a start on the photo albums, my travels being the first of them. He has even printed up a cover for the folder, I will try and get him to put it up on here also.
10 September 2007
3 September 2007
27 August 2007
Monday, August 27, 2007
20 August 2007
13 August 2007
Monday, August 13, 2007
Today started out bad, on our way to work, the rear left tyre blew out, so out in the cold breeze my owner had to change it. Of course it did blow out on the Western Ring Road, with all the trucks and cars hurtling passed at 100kms.
But some good news, one of the larger parcels posted from Montreal has arrived, and I would expect that the other will arrive shortly, so we will be able to collect it on our way home. My owner sent back some gifts and souvenirs in the parcels, so it will be fun unpacking it.
6 August 2007
22 July 2007
Sunday, July 22, 2007

16 July 2007
Back to work today.
Well our long holiday has come to an end, my owner will have to go back to work to pay for my trip and to start saving for the next one. Now that I have got a liking for this international travel, we will have to start planning the next 3 month break, Greece, Italy, Russia and some other places.
9 July 2007
Monday, July 9
Well we have been home for a few days now. And as usual, Sunday was a long breakfast at my owner's favourite cafe, The Red Tongue. As the weather is cold, he has spent a bit of time inside sorting the thousand of images he has taken while on our travels. I have found a few images that I had not included on my daily blog, so might add them over the next week or so. The next few days will be catching up with friends, etc. Some long breakfasts seem to be the order for most of the days. I don't eat much, but I still get to sit up at the table and be a part of things.
Today a parcel arrived from France, via London, it was the photograph storage unit that froze up while in Germany. It was to much relief that the data stored had not been affected, and the 600 images from the Road Trip and LA, were on there. Somehow my owner, had not backed them up on to DVD while in Dallas. So the 6500 images are now complete. The family are really going to love the slide night, they will be forced to sit through all of the images with electrodes placed to keep them awake.
5 July 2007
4 July 2007
Well I am glad that I am a furry bear, as it is chilly back home. Its a bit of a shock to the system to have been enjoying over 32C temperatures in Bangkok, and to be home to an expected top of 12C in Melbourne today.
Today we sat down and did a bit of calculating. I am good at pushing the buttons on the large calculator.
The total number of km's flying = 48,286 km
total number for flights = 17 flights
total number of km's driving = 750 km
total number of km's in trains = impossible to calculate
total number of km's walking = average around 18,000 to 20,000 steps most days
To all our American friends, Happy Independence Day.
3 July 2007
Travel Day, Sydney - Melbourne
Well after arriving into Sydney at 6.00 this morning, with no sleep, and 3 movies watched, we got ourselves onto a 8.00 flight to Melbourne.
2 July 2007
Travel Day, Bangkok - Sydney - Melbourne
Well our little adventure is fast coming to an end. Today we head out to the airport to catch our flight home.
1 July 2007
Bangkok, Day 3
Well as usual, its a Sunday and this time breakfast was in the hotel, a wide selection of things to choose from, and we tried most. Today is a relax and enjoy day so down beside the swimming pool, sipping on long cold drinks. For tommorrow we pack and start on the final leg of journey home.
Bangkok, Day 2
Well what else is there to do in Bangkok, besides temples. Shopping. Yes we went out a did a little shopping, some shirts, a belt or two, etc. To relax and unwind a Thai Massage was needed and enjoyed.
29 June 2007
Bangkok, Day 1
Well being the first full day in a new place, we went for a walk around the area of the hotel. I dont think we will need to buy a weekly travel ticket for this place, as there is plenty of transport waiting at the front of the hotel. To relax and cool down, the afternoon was spent at the pool, were I spent a bit of time reading up on the teachings of Buddha.
Travel Day, London - Bangkok

Thursday, June 28, 2007
We landed in Bangkok around 16:30 or 4:30 pm for those that dont know a 24 hour clock. It was overcast and raining, so hope it clears up as I want to spend a bit of time by the pool, relaxing taking in the sun, etc.
Got to our hotel and checked in, and the room has a nice big bed in it. I managed to get the big bed, I wonder where my owner is going to sleep.
After a shower and clean up, we headed out as always to get an idea of the local area.
27 June 2007
Travel Day, Prague - London - Bangkok

Wednesday, June 27, 2007. Prague 22C - London, Raining - Bangkok 32C.
Our plane to London is not until mid afternoon, so there was a bit of time to finish of the must see list. According to our little guide book we had missed the No 1 Best Places to See. Chram svateho Mikulas or for those not up on their Czech, St Nicholas's Church, or as some would say the Church of Santa Claus. Built between 1704 and 1756, it has a very baroque organ, played by Mozart in 1765. It has 2500 pipes and 44 registers, that sounds impressive, well it is. Four years later it was played at a funeral Mass in his memory. Mozart gets a lot of mention around the place here, and most concerts or

Now a few people have sent me messages, and a few have made comment that my owner has yet to appear in any of the photographs. Well I have tried to get one or two images to add to my diary, but he has not got in front of the camera too much during our travels. He has left that part of being the front man to me I guess. But I managed to persuade him to take a self portrait, which I will get resized and added here. (Image is now added, hope you can work out my owner in the photograph)

Have included a few pictures. One of the alter at St.Nicks Church, the others are while waiting at Heathrow, me and the main backpack that I travel a lot in.
26 June 2007
Prague, Day 6

Tuesday, June 26, 2007 Sunny, 24c.
It rain for most of the night, so we spent a bit of time reading up on a few things. I thought that I might fill in a little detail about the statue of St John of Nepomuk, on the Charles Bridge and why every one has to touch the panels for "good luck". He was arrested, tortured on the rack and then thrown - bound and gagged - off the bridge in 1393 on the orders of Vaclav IV, allegedly for refusing to divulge the secrets of the queen's confession. A cluster of stars were said to have appeared over the spot wher he drowned. In order to ensure his canonization, the Jesuits exhumed his corpse and produced what they claim to be his tongue, alive and licking, proving he did not devulge the secrets of the confession.
Well the day started out fine, but clouded over, a few showers and fairly strong winds. Perfect weather for yes, you guessed, an art gallery. But first a bit of time in what was the Jewish Ghetto area.
25 June 2007
Prague, Day 5

Monday, June 25, 2007. Suuny, 25c.
Well a bit of a late start to the day. Last nite, my owner sampled a bit of Czech Culture, that is drinking beer. The Republic boasts the highest per capita consumption in the world, so he had to get as you could say some of the essence of Prague.
Our day started as most days have in the Old Town Square, or around the corner from it. Jan Saudek, a world renown czeck photographer has an exhibtion of his best of work there.
From there it was a bit of a wander thru the back streets, laneways and courtyards, eventually heading towards Charles Bridge. The bridge is on our route to our main destination today, Prague Castle (Prazsky hrad), which is a complex of buidings, with history stretching back more than a thousand years.
Karluv Most (Charles Bridge), designed in 1357 for King Charles IV, links the Old Town with the Lesser Quarter. It is has more than 30 sculptures on the parapets. One figure with the starry halo is St John of Nepormuk, whose tortured body was hurled into the river from the spot marked with a cross in 1393, after he dared to side with his archbishop against the king. Today that statue and the legend that goes with it is a "must be photographed touching spot" on the bridge. The legend gets very gruesome, but a lot of Prague's history is filled with, medieval torture and death.
Now if my owner gets around to it, there will be a few of those "must be photographed" images added.
Up the hill and into Prague Castle, Royal Garden, St Vitus's Cathedral, National Picture Gallery, St George's Basilica, and Golden Lane.
St Vitus's took nearly six centuries to complete and was consecrated only in 1929. I guess they had a lot of industrial relations problems over those years. We managed to climb the 287 steps up the south tower to get a great view of the city on this beautiful day. Our guide on Friday provided us with lots of history and facts about the place, but I wont go into that here. (I hope my owner adds some images here at some stage.)
Back down and over Charles Bridge, we found a most interesting place that should be a place to visit for Professional Development Seminars. The Museum of Torture, some very good methods and equipment for "classroom mamagement" here. As I said Prague has a very gruesome history, and it's one of the most haunted towns in Europe, or so the brochures for the night walks say.
24 June 2007
Prague, Day 4

Sunday June 24, 2007. Sunny 22c. Beautiful day.
Well being a Sunday, as per usual is was a morning for breakfast, in the Old Town Square. After that my owner, decided that a bit of a walk around the area, followed by an exhibition of Salvidor Dali's art, was the first order of the day. Following that we went to Church. Yes we went to Church, and there were not a lot of candles burning this time. Prague is hosting the 3rd International Festival of Sacred Music, and the final concert was being held in St. Nicholas Church which is just off the Old Town Square. Two choirs, one a mostly female choir from Czech Republic and the other a mixed choir from Russia, presented works by Bortnianski, Chesnokov, Rachmaninov. The venue provide a stunning background for the beautiful voices. So you could say Teddy had a bit of culture today. I think I am going to be getting a little more cultural over the next few days. Tonight we are off to the Rudolfinum for a concert of music.
Being a Sunday, its time for Teddy Hugs to Michael and others at the Red Tongue. Well now I have finished my coffee and black forest cake, time to get on with more of the sights and sounds of Prague.
23 June 2007
Prague, Day 3

Saturday, June 23, 2007. Showers, Exp 23c.
Well today turned into a busy one. Started out the day as normal, a bit of breakfast at our hotel, then off to the underground station and into Mustek Station. Our first port of call is the Post Office, yes it is open Saturdays, well this one is open every day. My owner had a little parcel to post back to the UK, but the section that sells post products was not open on Saturdays. Well the search was on for an OfficeWorks. Alas no Officeworks but Tesco's had what was needed. Meanwhile when we first arrived at Wenceslas Square, they appeared to be setting up for a concert or something below the Josef Myslbek's statue of St Wenceslas. Well it turned out to be a rally of some sort, not sure what, but they had lots of coloured flags, whistles, noise makers of various kinds, group dress in various colours and placards. So we got to see the square being used for what it is famous for. Wenceslas Square became the focus for demonstrating Praguers and has been the scene of both tragic and happy events in the city's history.
At one end of the square is the National Museum and infront of that is the statue of St Wenceslas. It is on the steps of the National Museum that Jan Palach, burned himself to death in protest of the Soviet Occupation. The place is marked with a bronze cross set into the pavement.
The other end of the square has become the commercial end and has lots of passageways linking the square with other streets and shopping arcades, and souvenir shops. And thats what we did, a bit of shopping for a few souvenirs and pressies.
Later in the afternoon, we headed to Charles Bridge, to get a few evening photographs of the area. When we had almost crossed over, below, there was a small orchestra and choir setting up in the street. Once they started I did recongnize the music similar to 'Good king Wencelas' and it was strange that members of the choir did have Santa hats on, as well one man in full ski outfit. Anyway not even knowing what it was all about, we enjoyed a very pleasant concert.
22 June 2007
Prague, Day 2

Friday June 22, 2007. Start out Fine, showers from 13.00 onward
Yesterday, we managed to find our way to Wenceslas Square, and had a bite to eat. Today we are doing 'The Grand Tour of Prague', walking for at least 4 hours to get an overview of where we will give more attention. Meeting at the Orloj (Astronomical Clock) on the Staromestske Namesti (Old town Square) our young guide led us on a walk that covers all the most important sights of Prague. Old Town Square, Jewish Quarter, Old-New Synagogue, Old Jewish Cemetery, Jewish Museum, Ungelt Medieval Courtyard, Charles University, Estates Theatre (Amadeus film there, and Don Giovanni first performed there). Crossing over the Charles Bridge to St Nickolas Church, Lesser Town Square, Prague Castle, Old Royal Palace, Basilica of St Geaorg, Presidential Offices, Golden Lane, St Vitus Catherdral, finally a spectacular view of the City of Prague. The view regrefully was not so specatcular, because of the rain, but we now have a good overview of the city and where will return for further investigation. Oh I forgot, had a few 'teddy hugs' photographs taken, I hope my owner get some time to add then here for me. After all the walking he did, with me just riding along in the backpak, he might not add the pics until later. I hope he wants a nice coffee at the internet cafe, so he can download them.
My owner wanted me to mention, that if anyone would like him to send them a copy of their "teddy hugs" photograph, they can email me at agoodmonk@yahoo.com.au and I will make him do it, or download it from the blog page, but he will email a better file if requested.
21 June 2007
Prague, Day 1

Thursday, June 21, 2007.
Well another new day in a new city, so yes you guessed, it was down to the metro and into the information office to get a 7 day pass for the trains, buses and trams.
Then it was a bit of a walk around to get our bearings. This afternoon have been spent reading up on places to visit, drinking coffee in the local internet cafe and of course catching up on some of the emails etc. As it is raining outside, after a fairly warm morning, what a perfect time to do it. It is nice to hear from our readers back home, hope the cold weather is not too bad when we return.
20 June 2007
Travel Day, Berlin - London - Prague
Its time to pack the suitcase and carry bag again, clean socks, but since leaving the States, we have not had to take our shoes off. But still every now and then he still sets off the metal detectors.
Well thank heavens he did put the clean socks on red ones at that, as he had to take the boots off in Heathrow. They didnt come off in Berlin, but at the transit section we all had to go through another screening, and the boots had to come off.
Our flight to Prague was delayed a little but we eventually got here around 5.30pm local time. As usual there were the nice inexpensive mini buses that take you direct to your accomodation, and we had a nice new one all to ourselves.
Settled in and started the plans for the next 6 days.
19 June 2007
Berlin, Day 5

Tuesday, June 19, 2007. Sunny 25c.
Great morning, breakfast with a couple of other Aussies from Sydney. The hostel we are staying at has a kitchen open from 6 - 12noon, so you can help yourselves, to what you need. Today is a 'list day', things or places that we needed to do before going. Yesterday we got distracted from one of our original plans, so today it's on the list.
First up Checkpoint Charlie, then around the corner to part of 'The Wall'.
Next up on the train out to Ostbalnhof where there is another long section of ´The Wall` still standing. Some of the original art work has survived, in sections new work has been done.
Of course I had my photo taken at Checkpoint Charlie and at 'The Wall', hope my owner has time to resize them and add them soon.
Back on the train into Friedrickstr. and on to the 100 bus out and along the Tiergarten to The Siegessaule (Victory Column). Got a little surprise, but only a little, when walking through the Tiergaten. (Naked sunbathers) I wanted to have a photo taken with them, but my owner said I should not disturb them.
From there we made it down to the Berlin Guggenheim, and then onto Museum of Photography and Helmut Newton Foundation. That then took care of `the list'.
Tonight being our last night in Berlin, it's going to be out on the town, as the t-shirt says ´Good boys go to heaven, bad boys go to Berlin`. Wonder if Bad Boys Bail Bonds has an office here? I had better not say too much here, or I might get left behind at the hotel, like last time.
18 June 2007
Berlin, Day 4

Monday, June 18, 2007
Well as you can see by the images one of our stops today was the Dome on top of the Reichstag Building. After going thru all the security to get into the building, you can get a good view from inside the dome of the city.
One of the other places visited today was The Holocaust Memorial, a monumental field of stelae, a labyrinth for the visitor to walk through, consisting of 2711 grey concrete stelae of varying height. The memorial commemorated the 6 million European Jews that were victims of the Holocaust. Underneath it all there is a information centre, where you can search the names of those who the memorial has been built.
Around lunchtime, we started to walk down to Checkpoint Charlie, but we didnt get there, we found ourselves eventually around the Museum Island, and also some interesting galleries of art photography. So you can guess that our little side trip became slightly longer than anticipated. Also of note there were not too many other tourists around taking snaps in front of "must see' objects and places.
17 June 2007
Berlin, Day 3

Sunday June 17, 2007 Sunny 24c
Well today has been a bit of a catch up with cousins and family, firstly at the Zoo, Panda Bear from China, European Bear and Knut, the polar bear cub. Later at the street festival we also met some people that said they were 'leather bears', so Berlin certainly has a range of the Bear family here.
Knut is a very popular bear here. He only makes 2 one hour appearence each day, and the people queue up for a 15 min chance to see him. When my owner got to see him he was swimming with his keepers, and then a bit of exercise in his enclosure. I was off having a chat to Panda, who is a bit put out now that Knut has taken top billing in the zoo.
16 June 2007
Berlin, Day 2

Saturday, June 16, 2007.
With the thunder, lightning and rain during the night, a little sleep in was called for, so we didnt get oursleves started until about noon. Today end up a mixed bag of different things, started out heading to the Zoo, but didnt manage to get there.
On our journey we passed by a big street festival happening and so we stopped and enjoyed.
Our evening, was arranged, dinner with Dominik and Lutz, two friends of my owner's school friend Geoff. (Pic of Geoff and me can be found on a much earlier entry)
What an very enjoyable night was had, two very nice travel writers, who had prepared a fabulous dinner. Enjoyable conversation, relaxing and great company. I managed to talk them into being photographed with me, to add to my growing collection. So when my owner gets around to resizing it, it should appear here. I think my owner is getting a bit put out about the number of photographs that I am appearing in, he might be jealous.
I think that Dominik and Lutz should adopt me, after my owner and I return home, as they travel a lot more, and I would get a chance to be photographed at lots of other interesting places. When we get home, I will most likely spend a lot of time travelling to work and home with my owner. Dominik you should start to prepare the adoption papers, I will get my owner to sign them somehow.
15 June 2007
Berlin, Day 1

Friday June 15, 2007. Sunny 24c
Well we started the day of in the usual in a new place, getting info and travel ticket. 7 days on the buses, trains etc. 25 euro. We managed to get a ticket from the machines, with the help of a Spanish speaker, translating the German directions, as the English option was not working properly. Lucky we had a valid ticket as the inspectors got on at the next stop.
He managed to find our way downtown, did a little shopping for essentials and then headed towards a few of the must see sights. Past the fortified US Embassy, the less fortified UK Embassy and then the Russian one.
As you can see I have joined the ranks of all those visitors that must have their photograph taken in front of the sights. I hope you are making a list of those that you think are the top 20 that you must be photographed infront off or with, before you die. (I mentioned it in previous message, I can still hear the complaints from the Venus women, with all those flashes going off all the time, and no hands to shade her eyes and face. Email your list to me agoodmonk@yahoo.com.au)
14 June 2007
Travel Day, London - Berlin

Thursday, June 14, 2007 London, cloudy, 18c. Berlin, 25c
Well I have managed to find a good internet cafe next to our lodgings. So I have got my owner to resize some of his photographs for you to see. So if you go back thru the entries you will find some have been updated with images.
Well there was a bit of a panic and frantic search this morning, I had been left in charge of the wedding ring, and now he could not find it. I do not like it when my owner places responsibities on me, and then blames me when he cannot find things. But it is all ok now, eventually found the ring at the bottom of my new back pack that I get carried in. It´s a slightly smaller and lighter weight one, and a nice shade of red.
Breakfast, packed and out the door to Russell Square Station, on the Piccadilly Line, which takes us direct to Terminal 1 at Heathrow. Arrived in plenty of time to check in and then my owner could do a little duty free shopping.
My owner purchased a portable drive unit to backup his images, as his databank is getting full. I hope now that he will be able to give me a few more images to add to my diary.
Arrived in Berlin, and met up with another one of my cousins, Berlin Bear, we Bear´s are spread around the world. I have managed to get my owner to resize a few images to add here, so you should see me in our room in Berlin, very comfortable and affordable.