I was a special gift to my owner, on Valentines Day 1996 from someone very special. We are embarking on a bit of travel, so you will be able to follow our adventures and tales, as I keep this sort of diary for my owner. You could say this is my version of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. Something to keep you amused while we are on our journey. Please add comments, we like to hear back from you.

14 June 2007

Travel Day, London - Berlin

Thursday, June 14, 2007 London, cloudy, 18c. Berlin, 25c
Well I have managed to find a good internet cafe next to our lodgings. So I have got my owner to resize some of his photographs for you to see. So if you go back thru the entries you will find some have been updated with images.
Well there was a bit of a panic and frantic search this morning, I had been left in charge of the wedding ring, and now he could not find it. I do not like it when my owner places responsibities on me, and then blames me when he cannot find things. But it is all ok now, eventually found the ring at the bottom of my new back pack that I get carried in. It´s a slightly smaller and lighter weight one, and a nice shade of red.
Breakfast, packed and out the door to Russell Square Station, on the Piccadilly Line, which takes us direct to Terminal 1 at Heathrow. Arrived in plenty of time to check in and then my owner could do a little duty free shopping.

My owner purchased a portable drive unit to backup his images, as his databank is getting full. I hope now that he will be able to give me a few more images to add to my diary.

Arrived in Berlin, and met up with another one of my cousins, Berlin Bear, we Bear´s are spread around the world. I have managed to get my owner to resize a few images to add here, so you should see me in our room in Berlin, very comfortable and affordable.

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