I was a special gift to my owner, on Valentines Day 1996 from someone very special. We are embarking on a bit of travel, so you will be able to follow our adventures and tales, as I keep this sort of diary for my owner. You could say this is my version of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. Something to keep you amused while we are on our journey. Please add comments, we like to hear back from you.

15 June 2007

Berlin, Day 1

Friday June 15, 2007. Sunny 24c
Well we started the day of in the usual in a new place, getting info and travel ticket. 7 days on the buses, trains etc. 25 euro. We managed to get a ticket from the machines, with the help of a Spanish speaker, translating the German directions, as the English option was not working properly. Lucky we had a valid ticket as the inspectors got on at the next stop.

He managed to find our way downtown, did a little shopping for essentials and then headed towards a few of the must see sights. Past the fortified US Embassy, the less fortified UK Embassy and then the Russian one.

As you can see I have joined the ranks of all those visitors that must have their photograph taken in front of the sights. I hope you are making a list of those that you think are the top 20 that you must be photographed infront off or with, before you die. (I mentioned it in previous message, I can still hear the complaints from the Venus women, with all those flashes going off all the time, and no hands to shade her eyes and face. Email your list to me agoodmonk@yahoo.com.au)

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