I was a special gift to my owner, on Valentines Day 1996 from someone very special. We are embarking on a bit of travel, so you will be able to follow our adventures and tales, as I keep this sort of diary for my owner. You could say this is my version of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. Something to keep you amused while we are on our journey. Please add comments, we like to hear back from you.

27 June 2007

Travel Day, Prague - London - Bangkok

Wednesday, June 27, 2007. Prague 22C - London, Raining - Bangkok 32C.
Our plane to London is not until mid afternoon, so there was a bit of time to finish of the must see list. According to our little guide book we had missed the No 1 Best Places to See. Chram svateho Mikulas or for those not up on their Czech, St Nicholas's Church, or as some would say the Church of Santa Claus. Built between 1704 and 1756, it has a very baroque organ, played by Mozart in 1765. It has 2500 pipes and 44 registers, that sounds impressive, well it is. Four years later it was played at a funeral Mass in his memory. Mozart gets a lot of mention around the place here, and most concerts or recitals include some of his music. Like the organ recital that we went to last nite. But music from one of my owner's relatives was the major work on the programme. Regret there is a organ recital at St Nicholas's Church which we will miss tonight, would have been good to hear those all those pipes at work.

Now a few people have sent me messages, and a few have made comment that my owner has yet to appear in any of the photographs. Well I have tried to get one or two images to add to my diary, but he has not got in front of the camera too much during our travels. He has left that part of being the front man to me I guess. But I managed to persuade him to take a self portrait, which I will get resized and added here. (Image is now added, hope you can work out my owner in the photograph)

Well the next entry should be from Bangkok, where we are having a bit of a relax before heading home. Oh I forgot one thing, today I was filmed for Japanese Television, while my owner and I were doing a little photo shoot on the Charles Bridge, so I might have to go back and check what I have said about the Japanese and their photo taking habits. But they are still at it on the bridge today, getting their picture taken touching the statue of St John. I guess some one could sell a program that puts your picture into the fore ground of other standard images, would do well in Japan. They would not have to travel in large groups to fulfil their "must be photographed in front off or beside' list.

Have included a few pictures. One of the alter at St.Nicks Church, the others are while waiting at Heathrow, me and the main backpack that I travel a lot in.

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